The Internet of Broadcast Things

IP connectivity is beneficial to broadcasters in so many ways, creating more powerful networks, improving control, allowing remote troubleshooting and so much more. But “best practices” are still evolving. How should media professionals practice safe IP? We wondered what kind of questions need to be asked as radio contemplates what could be called the growing Internet of Broadcast Things.
Internet of Broadcast Things Mar 2017 Radio World eBook

What role do firewalls, virtual private networks, password policies etc. play? How can we learn from expert engineers in their work? How are manufacturers responding to the need for more information about responsible IP management? What recommendations are put forth by organizations like the Department of Homeland Security, the FCC and the NAB?

Our sources include Wayne Pecena, assistant director of educational broadcast services at Texas A&M University and a widely respected public speaker on IP networks in broadcasting. We heard some very practical advice from Randy Woods, technical director for the Central Florida Educational Foundation.

Abdul Hakim of the Digital Production Partnership told us that companies should approach cybersecurity issues like they do workplace health and safety training.

In the article “A Framework to Hang Your IoT on,” we give you a peek inside a report from an FCC advisory group about what broadcasters can and should be doing. Kelly Williams at NAB pointed us to excellent English-language resources to help translate that report for non-techies.

Josh Thurston, a security strategist in the office of the CTO of Intel Security/McAfee, reflected on what considerations matter most in this discussion. And Kevin Rodgers of eBook sponsor Nautel talked about how the company’s PhoneHome offering fits into this discussion.

This eBook is sponsored by Nautel.

The Internet of Broadcast Things