MDCL Savings

Learn how you can save up to $60,000* a year with a new Nautel NX & Orban XPN-AM.

• Louder, cleaner, brighter sound.
• Peace of mind with a 4-year transmitter warranty.
• Zero upfront costs other than installation fees.**

Calculate your savings now with our AM Power Savings calculator

NX Series Transmitters
Only NX Series transmitters have advanced digital modulation that permits high signal density, exceptional power savings, noise floor and loudness improvements.

-6 dB MDCL
Nautel has worked with broadcasters to develop Modulation Dependent Carrier Level (MDCL) parameters that result in significantly higher power savings.

Orban XPN-AM
The XPN’s revolutionary limiter offers unprecedented loudness, cleanliness, crispness, speech intelligibility, and coverage. Greater density with lower distortion can significantly reduce power consumption.
*USD estimate based on typical leasing rates, content format, modulation density and power rates. Variations in any of these factors can impact savings and costs.

**Assumes a leasing plan successfully negotiated with no upfront payments. Leasing plans under this program only available in the USA but MDCL savings are applicable worldwide. Customer is responsible for existing Tx decommissioning and new Tx installation.